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Compression Sock Health Benefits For Over Age 40

by Rene Mitchelle

Staying healthy and active has its rewards. If you're over 40 years old, you may be at higher risk for developing certain conditions that may affect your physical activity and overall health. Compression socks are specially designed socks that gently apply pressure to help sustain or improve blood flow in your legs. They are different from traditional elastic socks that may impede circulation. Here are just a few health benefits that you may experience if you wear compression socks regularly.


If you have a lot of swelling in your legs, it could be the result of poor circulation. If your legs are retaining water, it could be because your heart isn't pumping blood properly. If you're over 40, you are at a higher risk for edema, a common side effect of heart failure. Heart disease affects over 5 million adults, but you can control the symptoms with help from your doctor, regular exercise, and a heart-healthy diet. If you suffer from swollen ankles, compression socks may help. They promote blood flow and reduce the overall risk of swelling.  


Lymphedema is a condition in which one or more of your legs is swollen in certain areas. In some cases, the swelling can be significant and cut off the blood supply to the area. Serious complications can arise, especially if blood flow is blocked. Wearing 20 30 mmHg compression socks can help improve blood flow to the area and possibly reduce swelling. Compression is measured in millimeters of mercury. It basically means that the compression of measurement will not fall below the first number and not rise above the second. The higher the numbers—the more compression that's applied to your legs. Keep this in mind when determining the right sock for your condition.


If your doctor has diagnosed you with DVT or says you're at a high risk for deep vein thrombosis, compression socks may help. DVT is caused by a blood clot deep within a vein in the leg. It can be life threatening if the blood clot travels to your lungs or heart. One method of treatment and prevention is wearing compression socks. This helps to encourage blood flow in the leg and improves circulation. Ask your doctor how compression socks along with medication can help your DVT.

Diabetic Issues

Living with diabetes after 40? Your doctor may be concerned about your feet and proper blood flow. One thing that high blood sugar can do is affect your blood vessels. This can lead to poor circulation and possibly diabetic neuropathy. You can help reduce the effects of neuropathy by keeping the blood flowing throughout your legs and feet properly. Wearing compression socks and keeping your blood glucose under control can help improve your health while living with diabetes.

While diet and exercise can help with circulation, compression socks may also help enhance your health in many ways, especially as you get older. Ask your health care professional today about what will work best for you. 
